Sunday, June 29, 2008


I've decided I musn't allow my wrath to get the better of me. But sometimes, you just can't help but feel so provoked you know.

Yesterday Pastor taught us about men and their purpose. And he mentioned that after the fall of adam. all these purposes became corrupted.

I kinda feel it's so true, men are absolutely poor in communication. They don't understand things, they don't clarify, they don't think before they say, they don't apologise. And most of the time, they just think that they are right. Even if they aren't, their ego gets the better of them. This is what i feel at least, generically speaking, not applicable to ALL men, just so to be fair to the minority.

Sometimes i just find it amusing how some people can blame everything and everyone else for the things in their lives and not evaluate themselves. WOW. It's amazing what love can do and selfishness can destroy. In God there is no I. There is only 1 way, the Jesus' way.

Enough of my sarcasm, I have a lot of thoughts flying through my head. There are many things that I want to do, and I feel prompted to do. I just pray that I'll be faithful to follow through, and not gradually over time, forget about everything that I had started on. Help me O Lord.


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