Thursday, June 5, 2008

day number four.

Today was an awesome day filled with many spiritual encounters with God.

But above all, I want to thank God that just into 3 days of praying that my parents will not have to relocate their shop elsewhere, it really happened! The owner agreed to allow my parents to keep a part of their shop and pay lower rent! Wheee, God is good, I never actually expected it, but it did happened. XD

I think God is really cool, like He knows everything, and He has total control of whom, how and when He wants to reveal to us this nature of His and allow that person to minister to us. I really do hope that one day I can move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit so powerfully too, so much so that people I minister to can have their lives changed and love God even more. I mean, it's such a joy to see people's lives touched when you begin to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As much as i love to be ministered to, I want to minister others as well and be a blessing to them, just like how someone else had blessed me.

Darren is really a great BS teacher. Though practicals are scary, but they are really helpful to allow us to get to exercise these gifts, and he also teaches us how these gifts will be very important when we become leaders. I've never absorbed that much from a bible study before seriously. I pray that God heals his fingers soon.

Whee, I'm enjoying these few days of spiritual journey and I've never experienced God this real in my life before(perhaps last time I never took time to notice). The end shall be better than it's beginning, I'm excited( it's alrd that good when it's only day 4. think about day 21. WOW). All the fasting and praying will pay off eventually, I want to know God more, walk closer with Him, and be used by Him in a greater way than ever before, always being kingdom-minded and kingdom-motivated.

I love You.


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