Tuesday, September 22, 2009

random post.

Tuesday blues. I've been studying since I woke up this morning but it's been really hard trying to focus on that thick economics textbook. But nonetheless I will blend it and gulp it all down!

It's getting dark outside, I'm not sure if it would rain. And even if it rains, life has to go on, there are places I still have to go and things I still have to do. The rain won't stop me.

I guess I became stronger. I didn't have to fight with tears, it no longer pained me like it used to. Like what Pastor Kong said, God allows us to go through things in our lives not to tear us down, but all so that we can eventually change, be dealt with and move into the greater calling for our lives. Things may not always be easy, but still I'm excited, excited to move towards that calling that God has given to me. 3 years of nursing the dream...I won't let it go.

RAWR, I'm gonna head back to the books. Gotta head down to church office later then meet liang to eat chicken! ^^



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