Friday, June 12, 2009


This week has been packed and tiring. Physically, it's tolling having to wake up so early to pray. I guess I really felt it crucifying my flesh. But God has been really faithful. No matter how tired I was, during the prayer meeting He's so faithful to come and refresh me, especially on days that I can't go home to sleep. However tired, it's a great experience for me. Something is just different about this week's prayer meeting from the rest. I did enjoy myself really. Fellowshipping with Jon and Chenyang and Gracie. Hahah, interesting times. Like back to old days?

I've decided to leave it as it is. Not what I do. It cannot be maintained by me alone. That was my ultimatum.

I think there isn't a place like ministry anywhere. A place to be edified, to have another family, to be filled and encouraged. The purpose of drama ministry is not about showing off our talents to others, it's not just about serving God with the talents He has placed into us, but about the anointing and presence of God that we will bring down that will touch thousands-members and new friends. I guess that's the really fulfilling part of DM eh? The long hours we spend together, chatting rehearsing, laughing..haha, I mean in the essence I may not be close to everyone, especially the veterans, it's this trust that I know they are people that I can rely on. Fathers' day is going to be just great. I know it will. :)

Dang, shall end it here. I've gotta go to prepare to go to church. It's going to be great tonight! :)


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