I guess I had a really good talk with Barry. He reminded me of things I've forgotten and taught me many things along the way. Ahh, I was so nervous preaching earlier. But I'm glad I still did it! :D Thanks Barry for believing in me.
Anyway, this was something I learned from Barry today...
To know God as three persons is to know the Godhead in its fullness. There is only one God — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. "Hear, O Israel : The LORD our God, the LORD is one” (Deut. 6:4). The three are one God. To illustrate this in a simple way, we have one sun in the sky, but in that sun you have the light and you have the heat that comes off the sun. You can't separate them even though they are distinct and have three purposes. The sun could represent the Father, the light could represent the Son and the heat could be the Holy Ghost. You can't separate the Godhead, sometimes called the “three-in-one.”What a unique but easy to understand way to explain about our triune God. The Sun. I thought it was really interesting and I'd just share it here with you...
There are many things to learn. Nonetheless, the walk with God is most important. Things may not always go the way we want them to. The important thing is to know that Man disappoints, but God doesn't. For everything you do, do it unto the Lord. For everything in life, trust in the Lord, and not in Man. Your confidence and esteem must be built on the Lord. Love, and let love.
Taking time to set the foundations right...
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