Aye, thinking about Tuesday, I really want to laugh. Like how I had thoughts about walking into that place but ended up not doing so actually saved myself from an extremely awkward situation. I mean I won't know how to react if I actually walked in. I would probably be very overwhelmed by the situation and be affected. It pays to listen to the Holy Spirit I guess. I can't imagine what would have happened if I stuck to my thought of going to that place.
Sometimes, I really think I handle situations badly. Or maybe I'm just like many others out there. When faced with something I don't want or don't know how to react to, I'd run away. Avoiding it seems to be the best solution. 나는 다치고 싶지 않다. We all want to be happy, don't we? Aigoo, but I know it's bad. Xuan and James will always tell me to talk about it. But I guess it requires a lot of courage to do it. Many times, I just can't garner enough courage to do so. I'm not coward, it's just not easy. I need to be sure of myself, what I am feeling, whether I am in the wrong, whether it's just my solitary biased opinion, so on and so forth, before I can confirm my view about something. I'm not a reckless person.
Not everything needs to be expressed in words. Actions tell a lot too. Feelings are more than 70% reliable. We must realise that God moves, and He speaks. The heart senses and can discern. No matter how hard you may try, to me, it's nothing but a facade.
미안해요, 미안.
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