Ah, I was surfing the net today...watching maangchi teach her readers how to prepare all the korean dishes, I started looking for pictures of 도시락..This bear is so cute right? I think if someone ever makes me a 도시락 like that, I won't BEAR to eat it cause it's BEARY cute. LOL.. Anyway, yesterday I finally managed to find the food thermos I had been looking for! Yes, it has 2 separate containers inside, one for rice, one for soup and one for side dishes. Really cool eh? With this I think I'll cook more in the future, since I can bring them out.
Ahh, I'm learning. Thus far, I've succeeded in making 닭죽, 김밥 and 김치 볶음밥...When I find the time to make a trip to a korean groceries store, I'd go grab some ingredients to make
순두부 찌개 and
잡채. I ALSO WANT TO TRY MAKING MY OWN 도시락! Hahah, I really want to try making the egg rolls that Lee Minho ate in Boys over flowers. Kekeke.
I'm a really good girl today. I stayed home and cleaned up my room. It amounted to six sacks of rubbish to be thrown away. A lot eh?
I found the old letters that people have written to me over the years. I suppose I've already thrown some away cause I couldn't find those really antique ones...My letters have amounted to 2 giant ziplock bags full. When I took them out to read today, I thought about what the person was trying to tell me at the point in my life, and what I probably would have replied to that letter. I thought about the kind of friendship we used to share. I found letters from people whom I really wished our friendship lasted. It's sad they didn't survive the test of time. I relinquished the promises that didn't last. Letters written for the sake of doing so? Letters that lacked sincerity. Letters that I wished I never received. But it was heartwarming to read letters from friendships that did, and I guess these letters did draw me closer to them. People like Meitong, Yunrui, Peixuan, James...their letters were of comfort and support to me. James wrote me the most letters. Aye, cause I know him for the longest time in church. Peixuan wrote me the longest letters, she's so longwinded? Hahah, jk jk, I love long letters. Actually I just love letters. I think they really bring back valuable memories.
Currently listening: 마주치지 말자(Let's not) - Super Junior
이 순간이 마지막이라고
그토록 사랑한 그 대가에
넌 돌리려 해도 울며 매달려도
그냥 싫다며 헤어짐을 말한 나야.
난 항상 강한 척만 하지만
평생 너 하나 지킬 자신 없어 떠난
비겁한 남자야
다신 나 같은 사람 사랑하지 말고
다신 그리워할 사람 만들지 말고
너만 바라보고 너 아님 안 돼서
하루도 못 버틸 만큼 사랑해주는 사람 만나 제발
넌 아파 날 잡으려 하지만
평생 내 곁엔 행복해질 자신 없는
비겁한 여자야
다신 나 같은 사람 사랑하지 말고
다신 그리워할 사람 만들지 말고
너만 바라보고 너 아님 안 돼서
하루도 못 버틸 만큼 사랑해주는 사람 만나
언젠가 우리 헤어짐을 후회한대도
이별 밖에는 난 해줄게 없어
지난 시간을 세며 아파 울지 말고
지난 바보 같은 사랑 그리워 말고
너만 바라보고 너 아님 안 돼서 하루도 못 버틸 만큼
사랑해 주는 사람 만나 제발 행복하기를
두 번 다시는 마주치지 말자
Saying that this moment is the last
To you whom i loved so much
Even if you try to turn it back
Even if you hold onto me crying
I was the one who said no and bid our farewell
I always act strong
But I'm a cowardly man
Didn't have the confidence to protect you forever and left
Don't love someone like me again
Don't make someone miss again
One who looks only at you and needs only you
Meet someone who loves you so much that he can't go without you for a day, please..
Hurting, you try to hold me back
But I'm a cowardly man
Who doesn't have confidence
to give a lifetime of happiness to a woman
Don't love someone like me again
Don't make someone miss again
One who looks only at you and needs only you
Meet someone who loves you so much that he can't go without you for a day
Even if we are ever to regret our breakup
I can't do anything but give you our farewell
Don't cry in pain counting the time that has passed.
Don't miss a foolish love that's already passed
One who looks only at you and needs only you
Meet someone who loves you so much that he can't go without you for a day, please I hope that you'll be happy.
Let's not ever meet again.
It's a very touching song which talks about a man giving up on this woman he loves because he believes she can find someone much better than him. I think it'd be suitable as a drama song...Probably can make me cry. Haha, but K.R.Y sang this song with so much emotions in it. It's really beautiful, and their vocals are just amazing. Nice ballad! XD
Okay, post getting too long. I'll update again soon.