thanks to bosses sandy and jaslyn, nelson, lucas, adrian, nick, vincent, alan, veroy, calvin, bernard, veron, karen, maxey, kate, eunice, joy, ros, zhifang, eshan, matthew, eliz, ben for making this drama a success, especially to sandy for being strict but at the same time encouraging to me, to the girls for the great company you've been, to nick and vincent for lending me your arms as stress relief pads. thanks to simin and team for making us all gorgeous and hunky, thanks to the sound ministry for helping us to be able to relate properly to our audience, especially to richard, for being so entertaining and aiding to my balding problem by causing me much hair loss within these few days. thanks to kexin for being so encouraging to me especially when i needed you the most! I love you darling! thanks to pastor sidney for the encouragement and for being so welcoming, to wenling and yilun for the jiayous. thanks to the Most High for the anointing and capacity to contain the crowd, strength to make it through the exhaustive rehearsals. thanks also to papa for fetching me to expo early in the morning so i can save up on cab fare. haha..
whee, fathers' day production has finally ended. I think i'm going to have post-production syndrome again. wail~
oh ya, today morning while i was miking up, i heard a meow. some other ministry members heard it too so they went underneath the expo stage to catch the cat. couldn't imagine what would have happened if we hadn't realised it. probably the cat would run out during praise and worship into the congregation, or stroll across on stage when pastor kong is preaching. haha..
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