Today is a day close to perfection.
In school, though lessons were boring as usual, but I had a great talk with jie. She shared with me many things about church and God, and I felt grieved in my spirit, about how she was brought up in a way to reject the Holy Spirit. How I wished she could know God the way I knew Him to be, I know it's not easy for her, having to stand up against her parents and elders because of what she believed in, and being brought up knowing a tinted version of the Bible and God. Thank God that i could minister to her because all the answers to the questions she had were in GOHS. It's not just about having head knowledge, but it's really applying the Word of God into lives that make a difference. It is absolutely important to get equipped with the Word of God so you can be more effective for God.
Anyway, after economics lecture today, I took the same bus home with nicko. Whee, he says that i look like i lost more than 6kg already. Whaha, thanks to the resounding voice of John in my head that reminds me not to eat so much and gain back the 6kg that I painstakingly lost. That hindered me from eating too much and abstain from fattening food. So we were talking about church and all then he told me that he realised that everytime he talks to me, he feels that his faith rises to a new level. And I felt happy, not because it's about ME, but it's more like I felt the Holy Spirit using me to minister to others. I was telling kexin that I recently have this urge to minister to people, to teach and help them to grow more in the Lord. If i could make a difference in their lives, I choose to do so. She told me I've grown, and I really think that those 21 days have not been to waste, but it caused me to feel more empowered to serve.
Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit...
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