Dragonboat. Aye, why did it have to rain? Because of the rain we had so little time on the water, we barely got started and the race ended. =.= It'd be so much more fun if the hands-on was much longer..really.
Next, I had to take the extremely long and chilly 67 home. It was so crowded with people, you'd know what I mean if you know where the bus passes through. =.=
After that, I was supposed to meet Mr Kim. We already agreed to meet. But he didn't show up! fndjasowruiaskl;'! I bet he fell asleep cause until now, he hasn't replied my smses or given me a call. ifpofkcal;sd,lawkeropk;L,! So I ended up with Bron, Chenyang, Mingjie and Sarah. Oh yea, I partly lost my voice by the way. o.O
If not for Mr Kim, I wouldn't have been waiting at the mrt station, and seen that person. To me, she'll always be a hurt in my heart, an old wound that seems to get inflamed time and time again. Let not the past hold me. To me she was so important, now she's gone. We stood at different corners of the station, no words. Why? We used to be so close...Maybe the reason why Kexin is so dear to me also cause they looked alike? I don't know...but I know Kexin won't leave me like she did...sigh.
Indeed, it was a looooong day. Sigh.
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