I'm so bored. Avid readers like Gracie, I'm so sorry for not updating for a week. Ah, i guess it requires some inspiration to write here. Hahah, I'm currently at Grace's house with James. Very bored... what should i do now? hmmm... should i bath? should i play with my hair? or should i adore myself in the mirror? any comment? of what should i do? so sorry i am obsesses about myself! oh my oh my, why the weather is so hot today? feel like not wearing anything at all... do you agree with me? Grace mum is cooking "Kong Ba Bun" for me to eat, cant wait for it!
Hmmm ya remind me to take $$ from James for the guitar picks, i think it around $2... haha oh my, james is indecisive, so lazy... grace is so hilarious, as usual... she cant wait to watch the legend... it the korean drama that aired quite long ago... She wanna watch monster VS alien in 3D format, anybody wanna tag along?
Felt abit tired now, after helping james to translate the korean word for his assignment... haha, i am seriously indulging in myself... i am so high because i listen to the song from the legend... heehee... i am eating the Bun now... Grace mum deliver the food to me liao... but i havent say grace yet... Lol... Grace is here, why do i need to say it? lame lah... agree with me?
we are watching the korean drama now, the guy was shouting "city hall" for no reason... Lol... oh the drama has no english substitles, too bad for james and grace... i can understand what they talking... i am evil... now grace is restarting the whole drama again... wasting time... i keep on saying setup but grace dont follow my instruction... hai... i am smart yeah? somehow i feel so "ke lian" now Grace said the girl is"chio" in the drama... hmmm i dont think so, i think i more chio... heehee, self praise = international disgrace... Grace again, but now i DIS grace... sorry grace...
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