Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Talking about crap, I realised it is also a vulgar word like s**t. I only realised when I went to dictionary dot com today. Haha, the right word to use is defaecate. LOL, I must apologise for how explicitly and unsightly this blog entry is due to the foul language. but I guess educating my readers is a very important mission you see. Heh, I'm so sorry. :D

I realised many ppl have been asking me where I go to to fangirl. rawr, i'll put up the links to the websites soon so you can go there as well...

Anyways, I have nothing to blog about really. Pardon me for changing blog songs so rapidly, cause song addictions do change, and this song by Ast'1 has a really nice catchy tune...So I couldn't help it.. I met up with Peixuan for dinner today, had a good talk with her. After that Yuanling and James came to join us. Haha, we fought over Thomas again. =.=

I guess the multiplication challenged me to look at things in a different perspective. And because the group is smaller, it's easier to take a step back to evaluate all the relationships I have with the people in n444, giving me room to contemplate and plan for the times ahead. A new cell group marks many new beginnings, but it all buoys down to Him, our first love. It's important not to keep chasing after a vision and forget the one who is the source.


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