Something began to reaffirm me about the fragility of friendship. Like how speciation occurs in the theory of evolution, geographical isolation can also cause people to draw away from each other, doesn't matter how close these people were or how enjoyable were the times they had together. Meitong told me before that friendships in lives have phases... not all are meant to to last forever, when the phase ends, the friendship ends. So, "friends forever" is essentially a lie. It's sad but that's just reality. I mean how many times have we said that when we were kids, and where are those people whom we've said these words to now? 9 out of 10 of them would no longer be part of our lives by now.
I thought he meant the world to you, but now? What then is eternal? What then is everlasting? I guess the best idea in my head right now would be really to cherish the people around me in my life. Sometimes an sms to tell my girlfriends that I love them matters, sometimes a card or a simple act can tell them that they matter to you. Friendships are not dependent on the quantity of them spent, but really the quality.
there are some things in life that grieves me. I need God to lift me up.
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