Whoa, it's been almost a month since I got this updated! I was kinda caught up with the examinations and so I didn't have time to sit down and blog.
Now that exams are over, I get busier as Christmas is approaching. This year's Christmas is going to be greater than ever. I know it. Hahah, things to be done just have no end to it. ><
Thankfully the holidays are here! Haha, I remember being uber excited for school to start, and now, I can't wait for holidays to come. tsk. There are so many things I want to do this holiday, like bringing my babies out to take photos, watch my korean dramas, study hard for korean and of course hang out with people that I've been missing on!
As 2009 comes to an end, I can't help but do some reflections. This year has been a year full of up and downs. Many things have happened - graduating from NJ, first-time working, getting A level results, going to university, first-time filming for movie, forging new friendships while others terminated.
I realised the reality of the world, reality of society? People are fake. Indeed, you guys are pretty different from us.
And you, I feel so sorry for you. For love for a woman, you sacrifice what God has in store for you. I feel so sorry for you and your sheep. I'm not over-reacting. What is the point of gaining what you want, and losing your own soul? There are consequences that you chose to overlooked, because to you, feelings and love, are more important.
But 2009, God has been a faithful God. While there were people who were very important to me in my life who left me, God has given me new found friendships and strengthened old ones. No one is better to me than God.
Day one of fasting! :D
Okie, gonna rest a while. Have to go for rehearsals later. (: