Amber is so cute and cool. I can't believe she's so young. ㅠ.ㅠ
After God-knows-how-many hours, I finally completed my statistics tutorial 3! I was trying to keep myself awake the whole time because the entire tutorial was about sampling, variability, experimental design and bias?! =.= Almost died doing that, but thankfully I'm done with it already. But that's not all the homework, there're still 2 more tutorials to go. Management science will so kill me. ㅠ.ㅠ I hope I will score for the presentation on Thursday! ><
I feel like some girl who just broke up with 2 boyfriends. Just an analogy alright.
On the way home from school on Monday, Samuel and I had a talk. He commented that I'm very mature for my age. I beg to differ. If only I was more matured, I won't be in this situation I am in right now. But then again, we learn through the pain. This is my threshing floor, a wilderness experience. It's in the wilderness where the children of Israel found God. Talking to one another should always motivate, impart faith and stir each other to love God more. I hope I'll make a positive impact on this time. I thought about what Samuel said. Sometimes I just feel the same. Whenever I feel like I don't know why life is so tough, why I have to go through all these, all it takes is may be the birds in the air, the wonderful morning breeze or just people who genuinely care for each other to cause me to stand in awe of how great our God is, over His creations, and realise once again that life isn't that bad afterall.
There are too many "maybe"s. Let my yes be a yes and my no be a no. Period.
I haven't played Plants vs Zombies for 2 days. =.= I will do so after I'm done with LP. Bleah...