The music filled up the room. My heart pulsated as I watched him get whipped. My flesh ached at the sound of the nails being hammered. I know all that was going on was an act, a rehearsal, there wasn't even costume or blood smeared, but the atmosphere felt different. I had a revelation. The pain felt real, the back of my eyes felt warm at the mere cry of "Jesus". An innocent man nailed to a tree cursed so that we can be free. Sinless but had to bear all sin so that we can have forgiveness. Today, I know how much this name means to me. I know how it must have been for Him. And a tough sentence to say, "I love You Lord."
It's late in the night already. I ought to be in bed by this time. I'll have to go and do my survey work in the morning. No work means no money. Guess God wants us to be hardworking and not wait for the shekels to come on their own. Rehearsals ended late today. Thanks to weishan for driving me home and sacrificing supper with lucas, ben, nic, adrian, and kexin. Thanks for your ear too. Enjoy SOBA!;)
It's a big family filled with love. All of your lit up my life and gave me what I cannot find elsewhere-love, acceptance, and the leniency to make errors and make up for them. DM is where I love to be in. <3